Why does waltham need more housing?
Children who grow up in Waltham can no longer afford to buy or rent a home close to family in their hometown.
Retired residents who hope to downsize while staying in Waltham cannot find homes which are suitable for them.
Our city is developing office and lab space at a rapid pace, bringing new workers to Waltham at a pace that far exceeds our current housing supply.
By not building sufficient housing near our job centers, our city encourages long commutes which worsen traffic and increase carbon emissions.
Who we are |
How to get involved
Learn About the housing crisis
Understanding Waltham's Housing Shortage
Inclusionary Zoning
How Housing Can Reduce Traffic
Dense Housing Saves the Climate
Videos Explaining the Housing Crisis
Policy Coordinators:
Danny Semeniuta Deb Herman Eamon Dawes Tom Benavides Media Coordinators:
Gustaf Michaelsen Sergio Rojas Zach Shapiro |
Events Coordinators:
Deb Herman Emma Howard Nick Hammond Municipal Engagement Initiative Steering Committee:
Danny Semeniuta Emma Howard Tom Benavides Zach Shapiro |